
教育局宣布,由於香港天文台會在今日下午2時40分改發三號熱帶氣旋警告信號,幼稚園、肢體傷殘兒童學校及智障兒童學校今日停課。 學校將提早於下午13:45放學。乘坐校車之學生,下午2時校車開出。自行接送之學生,請家長提早到校接回學生。乘坐復康巴士學生則按平日時間,由復康巴士接送。


According to the Education Bureau announcement, as the Hong Kong Observatory will issue the Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 at 2:40 p.m. today, classes of kindergartens, schools for children with physical disability and schools for children with intellectual disability are suspended today. Our school will have early dismissal time at 13:45p.m. today. Students by school bus will leave the school at 2p.m. Parents may pick-up your child at earlier dismissal time. Students by rehabus will leave the school at normal scheduled time.